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The Smoking Cessation and Reduction In Pregnant Treatment method or SCRIPT program, was specifically designed to aid pregnant women to reduce their tobacco use or to completely quit smoking. This evidence based program has been extensively evaluated in the Unites States and is offered through partnerships with provider offices, clinics, insurance plans, and health departments right here in the Upper Peninsula. 

SCRIPT is a free program for pregnant women and is a self guided program lasting one week to 10 days. Many are eligible for incentives for a reduction in tobacco use as a part of this program.

To learn more, please call UPHP Customer Service at 1-800-835-2556 (TTY:711) to learn more about programs near you. You may also visit the SOPHE website at

SCRIPT Program Partner Sites

Marquette County Health Department – Maternal Infant Health Program  Contact

UP Health System OB/GYN Associates

War Memorial Hospital 

If you or your organization would like to support efforts regarding tobacco cessation, UPHCS and the UP Perinatal Quality Collaborative can assist in offering a virtual SCRIPT training, scholarships, program materials, and incentives for those women that reduce tobacco use by 50% during pregnancy. 

Incentives for participants are purchased through the Michigan Perinatal Quality Collaborative funding for Region 1 and available to all partner sites through the current fiscal year.

Stroller Kit

Contents include: Snoozzzette wearable blanket, Charlie’s Kids Book, and Safe Sleep Educational Materials

High Chair Kit

Contents include: Snoozzzette wearable blanket, Charlie’s Kids Book, and Safe Sleep Educational Material

Safe Sleep Survival Kit

Contents include: Cribette Playard, Playard Safe Sleep Message Sheet, Snoozzzette wearable blanket, Philips Soothie Pacifier, Charlie’s Kids Book, Safe Sleep Educational Materials, ABC Magnet

Car Seat Kit

Contents include: Snoozzzette wearable blanket, Charlie’s Kids Book, and Safe Sleep Educational Materials

All UPHP members in the Healthy Michigan Plan and adult Medicaid plan also qualify for additional incentives

UPHP Incentives are available for UPHP members who reduce tobacco use including $100 visa gift card for completing four counseling calls on the Quit Line.

Michigan Tobacco Quitline Incentives

1-800-QUIT-NOW or 1-800-784-8669 This is a free and confidential service for UPHP members. After a simple enrollment process, you will have a personal quit coach. Pregnant women can earn rewards after every call. Call 1-800-835-2556 to learn if you could earn a gift card. Open to UPHP Medicaid and Healthy Michigan Plan (HMP) members who call the Quitline for four sessions.
Click Here To Learn More

Additional resources:
Visit this site to learn how quitlines can help:

Visit these sites to learn about ways to quit and how to make a plan: