Michigan Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health is dedicated to improving the culture of maternal safety to decrease severe maternal morbidity and mortality through the implementation of early recognition safety bundles and data-driven quality improvement initiatives with providers and within hospitals across the state.
The Upper Peninsula Perinatal Quality Collaborative, through the existing Regional Perinatal Care System Initiatives across the state, supports the shared goal of improving birth outcomes for mothers and babies, including the elimination of health disparities across its 15-county region. Along with the collaborative and MI AIM, birthing hospitals partner to implement the AIM Obstetric Hemorrhage safety bundle, the Severe Hypertension in Pregnancy Safety bundle, and the Sepsis Safety bundle. These bundles help improve health outcomes for mothers by combating the leading causes of preventable maternal mortality. “The safety bundles help fully equip hospitals.
For more information on MI AIM and to view the MI AIM Handbook, visit www.miaim.us.
“Complications during labor and delivery among women who experience hemorrhage have decreased by 17.9 percent and there has been a 5 percent decrease among women who experience hypertension.”
“Complications arising from hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are among the leading causes of preventable severe maternal morbidity and mortality. Timely and appropriate treatment has the potential to significantly reduce hypertension-related complications. Increasing evidence indicates that standardization of care improves patient outcomes.”
“Sepsis is a leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. The CMQCC Sepsis Task Force estimate that 63 percent of maternal deaths from sepsis had a good or strong change to have been preventable.”
OBI is a Collaborative Quality Initiative (CQI) funded by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan/Blue Care Network aimed at physiologic vaginal birth and safely lowering the cesarean delivery rate among low-risk (for cesarean delivery) patients. OBI promotes collaboration and the sharing of best practices among participating maternity hospitals.
The longer-term goals of OBI collaborative include expanding to additional maternity hospitals and developing future quality improvement initiatives in maternity care.
Additional information on the reduction of primary C-section through supporting the work of the Obstetrics Initiative (OBI) can be found by clicking on the link