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Diabetic Retinopathy Telehealth Program

Upper Peninsula Health Group (UPHG) has been working with the non-profit hospital network Upper Peninsula Health Care Solutions, Inc. (UPHCS) to expand on the PCP-based teleretinal program that they implemented with clinics in the region in 2018. The UPHCS teleretinal program uses the Welch Allyn (now Hillrom) RetinaVue Care Delivery Model for diabetic retinal examinations taking place at the primary care provider offices. Images are captured using the RV700 Digital Fundus camera, then transmitted, via the RetinaVue Network, to be screened by contracted optometrists. Once screened, a diagnostic report is then transmitted back to the PCP office via the RetinaVue Network.

The program has partnered with Norway Eyecare, an optometrist practice in Norway, MI, to screen images captured by participating primary care clinics. The use of UP-based eyecare professionals benefits patients because, in the case of a vision-threatening  pathology, it is easier for them to receive follow up care. Drs. Brown and Chartier have been consistent in returning diagnostic reports to primary care clinics within 24 hours.